How To Read The Book Of Mormon in Less Than 24 Hours
4:17 PMIrvinBook Of Mormon Read-a-Thon
When we decided to do this with our youth, I was a little hesitant and was trying to come up with reasons why we might not be able to attend. I have an 8 and a 10 year old that I thought would hate something like this and complain the entire time and I didn't want to hire a babysitter or leave them home alone. Regardless, I didn't give my kids the option to not come and be a part of it. I told them that we were "DOIN IT!" and to get excited. Everyone gathered their pillows, blankets, Book Of Mormons and treats and off we went.
This Challenge is a great way for the youth to accomplish their already set goals in the youth program, possibly multiple goals. It's cool for them to do something they have probably thought impossible. It's not an easy challenge and it requires dedication and enduring to the end, but it is worth it.
After the schedule was created, we asked members of our families and ward to come to dress up and act, dramatically read or sing parts of the book to make it more fun and exciting. Each cameo is different depending on the person doing it. It's important that some thought and preparation go into each cameo. If you watch the video below, you will see that the first cameo was Lehi and Nephi. Nephi was playing the guitar and it was so cute and was the most fun of all the cameos. I suggest to incorporate music if possible.
We asked different people in the ward to be in charge of preparing and delivering the food at the designated time. (Paid for by the ward budget)
With the schedule that we followed, it took about 24 hours to accomplish. But depending on your group, other options can be done. It can be done in as little as 12 hours.
Sound: We hooked an iPad up to an iHome speaker system for all to hear.
Things I observed at our readathon:
- Breaks are needed to stretch and help with restlessness.
- Change of scenery is good. Taking a break outside & reading in groups or individuals help with that.
- Food & treats are something the youth look forward to.
- Follow along & listen at 2x fast. It seems really fast at first but it makes reading go a lot faster and it gets easier to understand after you get used to it. (We listened to it 1.5 times fast. Which was great too)
- Each person participating gets a B.O.M. from the church which they use to follow along and read during the readthon. At the end of the readathon, they write their testimony in the front of the book and pray about who to give the book to, then give it.
- All digital devices/phones turned in at the door. All communication done through leaders. Even though we said no digital devices, the kids all still brought and used digital devices.
- All Cameos should incorporate music or literal acting or something fun. (takes a little more time to prepare)
- Choose to do this challenge in the summer. We did ours on a weekend in May while school was still in. I felt like everyone was so busy with spring sports, recitals, family functions and end of year school functions and programs that it was impossible for most people to not miss part of it. Doing it on a few summer days (even if its 6 hours a day, starting early in the morning over a few days, as to try not to interfere with other life events.)
Below is an example of our schedule. I added the timing for each section. Just easier for when you make your schedule, you will have an idea of how much time to set for each section. Click to enlarge.